Essential Amino Acids - NutraPedia

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Essential Amino Acids

1) Conditions Studied

Essential amino acids have been studied in the context of numerous conditions, including muscle wasting in the elderly, malnutrition, athletic performance, mental health disorders like depression, and recovery from surgery or trauma.

2) Efficacy in Treating Conditions

The effectiveness of essential amino acids in treating these conditions varies. They are known to be crucial in promoting muscle repair and growth, which can aid in recovery from surgery or trauma. Evidence for other conditions, such as mental health disorders, is more mixed and requires further research.

3) Health Benefits

  • Muscle growth and repair: Essential for protein synthesis and muscle repair after exercise.
  • Metabolic function: Play a role in energy production and metabolism.
  • Immune system support: Important for the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
  • Nutrient absorption: Aid in the absorption of minerals and other nutrients.

4) Downsides

While essential amino acids are generally safe, excessive intake, particularly through supplementation, can lead to imbalances and potential health issues such as gastrointestinal discomfort, reduced blood sugar levels, and in severe cases, neurological issues.

5) Genetic Variations

Certain genetic variations can affect metabolism of amino acids, such as those related to the MTHFR gene, which can affect homocysteine levels and methionine metabolism. Individuals with specific genetic conditions, such as Phenylketonuria (PKU), may require modified intake of certain amino acids like phenylalanine. It's important for individuals with known genetic variations to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Research Summary on Essential Amino Acids

Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Ammonia Metabolism

A study on five men showed that BCAA supplementation during exercise increases muscle ammonia production and reduces muscle protein breakdown. This was evident by a higher release of BCAA from muscles, increased muscle BCAA concentrations, and a significant decrease in the release of other essential amino acids.

WHO and FAO Guidelines on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements

The WHO and FAO have provided updated guidelines on protein and amino acid requirements. The report is crucial for professionals involved in national dietary guidelines, assessing population food intake, and ensuring nutrition for at-risk groups. It emphasizes the importance of essential amino acids in different stages of life and their role in maintaining health, particularly in developing countries.

Comparison of Amino Acid Composition in Rice, Soy, and Whey Proteins

Research comparing organic brown rice protein concentrates and isolates with soy and whey proteins found that rice proteins contain about 36% essential amino acids and 18% branched-chain amino acids. While similar to soy, rice protein has significantly fewer total amino acids, essential amino acids, and branched-chain amino acids compared to whey protein.

Essential Amino Acid Content in Plant-Based vs. Animal-Based Proteins

Another study highlighted that plant-based protein isolates have lower essential amino acid contents compared to animal-based proteins and human skeletal muscle protein. Plant proteins are less anabolic due to their lower levels of leucine, lysine, and methionine. The study suggests combining different plant-based proteins or blending them with animal-based proteins to improve protein quality.


  1. Branched-chain amino acids augment ammonia metabolism while attenuating protein breakdown during exercise
  2. Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition
  3. Amino Acid Composition of an Organic Brown Rice Protein Concentrate and Isolate Compared to Soy and Whey Concentrates and Isolates
  4. Protein content and amino acid composition of commercially available plant-based protein isolates

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