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Piracetam: Overview of Uses and Effects

1) Conditions Studied for Piracetam Use

Piracetam has been studied for a variety of conditions, particularly those affecting cognitive function and neurological health. Notably, it has been investigated for its potential use in:

  • Cognitive impairments associated with aging, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Cognitive dysfunction in younger populations, such as dyslexia and attention deficit disorders.
  • Stroke recovery, with a focus on improving post-stroke aphasia.
  • Seizure disorders, as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy.
  • Vertigo and balance disorders.

2) Efficacy in Treating Those Conditions

Research on the efficacy of piracetam has produced mixed results:

  • For cognitive impairment and dementia, some studies suggest modest benefits, while others show little to no improvement.
  • Its impact on dyslexia and other cognitive dysfunctions in younger individuals remains inconclusive.
  • Some evidence supports the use of piracetam in improving language recovery after stroke, but further research is needed.
  • In epilepsy, piracetam may have some adjunctive benefits, but it is not considered a primary treatment.
  • Evidence for the treatment of vertigo and balance disorders is limited and not well-established.

3) Health Benefits of Piracetam

Despite the varying evidence for treating specific conditions, piracetam is associated with the following potential health benefits:

  • Enhancement of cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and learning capacity.
  • Potential neuroprotective effects that may slow cognitive decline.
  • Improved interhemispheric communication in the brain.

4) Downsides of Piracetam

While piracetam is generally well-tolerated, there are some downsides to consider:

  • Side effects can include anxiety, insomnia, agitation, weight gain, and drowsiness.
  • Long-term safety data is lacking, and the risk of chronic use is not well-understood.
  • Some users may experience a lack of efficacy or diminishing effects over time.

5) Piracetam and Genetic Variations

Research into the interaction between piracetam and specific genetic variations is still in its infancy. However, some studies suggest that:

  • Individual differences in response to piracetam may be influenced by genetic factors.
  • There is no conclusive evidence linking piracetam's benefits or harms to particular genetic variations.
  • Further research is needed to understand the pharmacogenomics of piracetam and its effects on different populations.

Summary of Research on Piracetam

Piracetam as a Nootropic Drug

Piracetam, a derivative of the neurotransmitter GABA, is recognized for its cognitive-enhancing effects without sedative or stimulatory actions. It has been used to treat cognitive impairments, particularly where hypoxia contributes to deficits. Piracetam improves learning, memory, and brain metabolism, and has protective effects on cell membranes which may contribute to its therapeutic benefits in conditions such as dementia, vertigo, myoclonus, and stroke.

Pharmacological Profile and Clinical Efficacy

Piracetam's exact mechanism of action is not fully understood; however, it may involve modulating glutamate receptors and influencing calcium influx into neurons. It has shown neuroprotective properties during surgery, treatment of cognitive disorders from cerebrovascular and traumatic causes, and has been used as an add-on for epilepsy and tardive dyskinesia. Piracetam has also demonstrated antithrombotic properties by improving the flexibility of red blood cells and reducing platelet aggregation.

Structural Subgroups and Clinical Uses

  • Subgroup 1: Piracetam and analogues like oxiracetam and aniracetam, with uses in cognitive deficits and as dietary supplements.
  • Subgroup 2: Antiepileptic agents like levetiracetam, with cognitive effects not well understood.
  • Subgroup 3: Derivatives with unknown efficacy, such as nefiracetam and rolipram.

Research Findings on CNS Disorders

Some nootropic agents, including piracetam, have shown significant improvements in clinical outcomes for treating CNS disorders. Studies have examined piracetam's impact on chronic schizophrenia, brain pharmacology, crystal forms for pharmaceutical development, and biochemical mechanisms related to cognitive benefits.

Challenges and Developments

Despite their safety and tolerability, piracetam-like nootropics have faced obstacles in gaining widespread acceptance. The complexity of brain functions, limited relevance of animal tests, and the cost and duration of clinical trials pose challenges in the development of cognition-enhancing drugs.


Overall, research indicates that piracetam and its analogues offer potential benefits in treating CNS disorders through various mechanisms. Their efficacy in clinical settings emphasizes their value as therapeutic agents, although a full understanding of their mechanisms and optimal clinical use requires further investigation.


  1. Piracetam and piracetam-like drugs: from basic science to novel clinical applications to CNS disorders
  2. Design and study of piracetam-like nootropics, controversial members of the problematic class of cognition-enhancing drugs
  3. Some effects of piracetam (UCB 6215, Nootropyl) on chronic schizophrenia
  4. The "nootropic" approach to the pharmacology of the integrative activity of the brain
  5. Structural study of piracetam polymorphs and cocrystals: crystallography redetermination and quantum mechanics calculations
  6. Piracetam: physiological disposition and mechanism of action
  7. Pharmacokinetics of piracetam: a study on the bioavailability with special regard to renal and non-renal elimination
  8. The action of piracetam on 14C-glucose metabolism in normal and posthypoxic rat cerebral cortex slices
  9. Effect of Piracetam on electrocorticogram and local cerebral glucose utilization in the rat
  10. Effect of piracetam on cerebral glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's disease as measured by positron emission tomography
  11. Piracetam and TRH analogues antagonise inhibition by barbiturates, diazepam, melatonin and galanin of human erythrocyte D-glucose transport
  12. Piracetam improves mitochondrial dysfunction following oxidative stress
  13. Nootropic drugs positively modulate alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-sensitive glutamate receptors in neuronal cultures
  14. Effects of piracetam on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor properties in the aged mouse brain
  15. Piracetam elevates muscarinic cholinergic receptor density in the frontal cortex of aged but not of young mice
  16. Piracetam defines a new binding site for allosteric modulators of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors
  17. The effects of piracetam and its novel peptide analogue GVS-111 on neuronal voltage-gated calcium and potassium channels
  18. A novel CaV2.2 channel inhibition by piracetam in peripheral and central neurons
  19. Selective blockade of N-type calcium channels by levetiracetam
  20. Piracetam--an old drug with novel properties?
  21. Piracetam and other structurally related nootropics
  22. Piracetam: a review of pharmacological properties and clinical uses
  23. Effects of piracetam on membrane fluidity in the aged mouse, rat, and human brain
  24. Piracetam reverses hippocampal membrane alterations in Alzheimer's disease
  25. Piracetam-induced changes to membrane physical properties. A combined approach by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance and conformational analysis
  26. Mitochondrial dysfunction: common final pathway in brain aging and Alzheimer's disease--therapeutic aspects
  27. Mitochondrial dysfunction: the first domino in brain aging and Alzheimer's disease?
  28. Improved mitochondrial function in brain aging and Alzheimer disease - the new mechanism of action of the old metabolic enhancer piracetam
  29. Effects of piracetam on single central neurons
  30. Increase in the power of human memory in normal man through the use of drugs
  31. Piracetam as an aid to learning in dyslexia. Preliminary report
  32. Piracetam-induced improvement of mental performance. A controlled study on normally aging individuals
  33. Clinical efficacy of piracetam in cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis
  34. Piracetam for dementia or cognitive impairment
  35. Drug therapy and memory training programs: a double-blind randomized trial of general practice patients with age-associated memory impairment
  36. Piracetam in elderly psychiatric patients with mild diffuse cerebral impairment
  37. The clinical use of piracetam, a new nootropic drug. The treatment of symptoms of senile involution
  38. [On the dose-effect relationship in the therapy with piracetam (author's transl)]
  39. A double blind investigation of piracetam (Nootropil) vs placebo in geriatric memory
  40. [Clinical experience with treatment by piracetam in gerontopsychiatry (author's transl)]
  41. Long-term and high-dose piracetam treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  42. Experience of the out-patient use of memotropil in the treatment of cognitive disorders in patients with chronic progressive cerebrovascular disorders
  43. Effects of piracetam on developmental dyslexia
  44. Long-term efficacy and safety of piracetam in the treatment of progressive myoclonus epilepsy
  45. Efficacy of piracetam in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenic patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study
  46. Effect of piracetam on cognitive performance in patients undergoing bypass surgery
  47. Cerebroprotective effect of piracetam in patients undergoing coronary bypass burgery
  48. Cerebroprotective effect of piracetam in patients undergoing open heart surgery
  49. Piracetam prevents cognitive decline in coronary artery bypass: a randomized trial versus placebo
  50. Piracetam in acute stroke: a systematic review
  51. Does long term use of piracetam improve speech disturbances due to ischemic cerebrovascular diseases?
  52. Piracetam improves activated blood flow and facilitates rehabilitation of poststroke aphasic patients
  53. Restitution of alpha-topography by piracetam in post-stroke aphasia
  54. A pilot trial of piracetam and ginkgo biloba for the treatment of cocaine dependence
  55. Analgesic activity of piracetam: effect on cytokine production and oxidative stress
  56. Assessment of stress in mothers of children with severe breath-holding spells
  57. Breath-holding spells in childhood
  58. Piracetam--an old drug with novel properties?
  59. Piracetam for the treatment of breath-holding spells
  60. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the effect of piracetam on breath-holding spells
  61. Piracetam in severe breath holding spells
  62. Clinical efficacy of piracetam in treatment of breath-holding spells
  63. Recurrent sinus arrest and asystole due to breath-holding spell in a toddler; recovery with levetiracetam-therapy
  64. High-dose piracetam is effective on cerebellar ataxia in patient with cerebellar cortical atrophy
  65. The effect of piracetam on ataxia: clinical observations in a group of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia patients
  66. Inhibitory effect of piracetam on platelet-rich thrombus formation in an animal model
  67. Platelet anti-aggregant and rheological properties of piracetam. A pharmacodynamic study in normal subjects
  68. Piracetam and platelets--a review of laboratory and clinical data
  69. Piracetam versus acetylsalicylic acid in secondary stroke prophylaxis. A double-blind, randomized, parallel group, 2 year follow-up study
  70. Effects of acetylsalicylic acid in stroke patients. Evidence of nonresponders in a subpopulation of treated patients
  71. Hydrogen peroxide is a novel mediator of inflammatory hyperalgesia, acting via transient receptor potential vanilloid 1-dependent and independent mechanisms
  72. Cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 contribute to peroxynitrite-mediated inflammatory pain hypersensitivity
  73. A newly identified role for superoxide in inflammatory pain
  74. TNF-alpha and neuropathic pain--a review
  75. Potential efficacy of early treatment of acute acoustic trauma with steroids and piracetam after gunshot noise
  76. Successful treatment of noise-induced cochlear ischemia, hypoxia, and hearing loss
  77. Involvement of a steroidal component in the mechanism of action of piracetam-like nootropics
  78. Blockade of the nootropic action of piracetam-like nootropics by adrenalectomy: an effect of dosage?
  79. Adrenalectomy, corticosteroid replacement and their importance for drug-induced memory-enhancement in mice
  80. Piracetam facilitates long-term memory for a passive avoidance task in chicks through a mechanism that requires a brain corticosteroid action
  81. Aldosterone receptors are involved in the mediation of the memory-enhancing effects of piracetam
  82. Elevated corticosteroid levels block the memory-improving effects of nootropics and cholinomimetics
  83. Do piracetam-like compounds act centrally via peripheral mechanisms?
  84. Piracetam diminishes hippocampal acetylcholine levels in rats
  85. The relationship between the behavioral effects of cognition-enhancing drugs and brain acetylcholine. Nootropic drugs and brain acetylcholine
  86. Effect of piracetam plus choline treatment on hippocampal rhythmic slow activity (RSA) and behavior in rabbits
  87. Habituation of exploratory activity in mice: effects of combinations of piracetam and choline on memory processes
  88. Profound effects of combining choline and piracetam on memory enhancement and cholinergic function in aged rats
  89. Chronic alcohol consumption induces lipofuscin deposition in the rat hippocampus
  90. Piracetam impedes hippocampal neuronal loss during withdrawal after chronic alcohol intake
  91. Piracetam promotes mossy fiber synaptic reorganization in rats withdrawn from alcohol
  92. [Phezam efficacy in patients with chronic cerebral ischemic disease]
  93. [Phezam in combined therapy of ischemic stroke]
  94. Anti-hypoxic effect of piracetam and its interaction with prostacyclin
  95. Study on the anti-hypoxic effect of cinnarizine and its interaction with prostacyclin
  96. Effect of morin on pharmacokinetics of piracetam in rats, in vitro enzyme kinetics and metabolic stability assay using rapid UPLC method
  97. Asparagus recemosus enhances memory and protects against amnesia in rodent models
  98. Clitoria ternatea (Linn) root extract treatment during growth spurt period enhances learning and memory in rats
  99. Zingiber officinale Mitigates Brain Damage and Improves Memory Impairment in Focal Cerebral Ischemic Rat
  100. Piracetam: toxicity and reproduction studies
  101. The clinical safety of high-dose piracetam--its use in the treatment of acute stroke
  102. Preventive effect of piracetam and vinpocetine on hypoxia-reoxygenation induced injury in primary hippocampal culture
  103. Piracetam improves mitochondrial dysfunction following oxidative stress
  104. The metabolic enhancer piracetam ameliorates the impairment of mitochondrial function and neurite outgrowth induced by beta-amyloid peptide
  105. Protective effects of l-carnitine and piracetam against mitochondrial permeability transition and PC3 cell necrosis induced by simvastatin
  106. Oxidative stress in a model of toxic demyelination in rat brain: the effect of piracetam and vinpocetine
  107. Pharmacodynamic evaluation of L-carnitine and piracetam in muscle injury induced by the chronic use of simvastatin
  108. Cerebroprotective effect of piracetam in patients undergoing coronary bypass burgery
  109. Enhanced Neuroplasticity by the Metabolic Enhancer Piracetam Associated with Improved Mitochondrial Dynamics and Altered Permeability Transition Pore Function
  110. CCL01, a novel formulation composed of Cuscuta seeds and Lactobacillus paracasei NK112, enhances memory function via nerve growth factor-mediated neurogenesis
  111. Mitochondrial Function, Dynamics, and Permeability Transition: A Complex Love Triangle as A Possible Target for the Treatment of Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease
  112. The potential for one drug, administered at the earliest preclinical stage, to prevent the subsequent decline of cognition that eventuates in dementia
  113. Improvement of mitochondrial function and dynamics by the metabolic enhancer piracetam

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